by bryan | Feb 26, 2011 | Magazine
The LightRailConnect Magazine newest issue is now on news stands. Pick up a copy at any one of the light rail station magazine boxes as well as fine restaurants and...
by bryan | Sep 5, 2010 | light rail corridor, light rail expansion, Magazine
Now you can find your copy of the Magazine in more places. You can’t miss them. They are red-orange with a vinyl sticker on the side that announces ‘’. You will find another 20 boxes onĀ or near light rail station stops. There are other older versions in place, but these new ones are better looking and more distinctive. Inside you will discover sections on Travel, Jobs, Real Estate & Rentals, Sports, Dining, Arts & Entertainment. Get connected with text coupons and restaurant specials. Find places to rent your next apartment home. Please look for the latest copy of the Magazine in a box near the station or...